
Monday through Friday 8am-4pm

Please leave a message if we don’t pickup right away.

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Stop fighting the dust.

You’ve invested lots of money in that gravel pavement over the years. Protect that investment by paving it. If you’re tired of customers tracking gravel dust into your building, can’t ever keep your vehicle clean. Call us. Once your parking lot is paved using asphalt, you’ll forget all about it. No more grading. No more dust. No more mud.

And with a maintenance schedule to seal your new pavement, you can expect decades of worry free service from your pavement.

This photo is of a small parking lot we paved a few years ago for Deano’s Pizza on Bertrand Dr. Next time you’re there for lunch, take a moment to admire our work.

Giving the Double Tree by Hilton’s parking lot a facelift.

Giving the Double Tree by Hilton’s parking lot a facelift.

Some of our Services


We can clean and apply GemSeal’s FedSpec sealer to your asphalt parking lot and protect your invetment.


Keep your customers safe and orderly. By striping your parking lot regularly, you can ensure that your customers are maximizing the available space your lot. It will also reduce accidents by clearly marking crosswalks, and stops.


And if your parking lot is beyond sealcoating, we can overlay it giving you a brand new asphalt surface that will serve you for many years.


Placing Concrete with a line pump.

Sometimes the site is too small, or the forms don’t allow for driving the trucks right to the work site. In these instances we will use a pump to move the concrete for us. This is a great option to use, instead of backing a heavy truck down your existing driveway.

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Concrete Paving

Need more parking or a new building slab?

We have the know-how and equipment to get it done right. This slab was for Nalco Chemical Co. on Renaud in Scott, La.


Commercial concrete construction makes up the bulk of what we spend our time on. These guys have tied 100’s of tons of steel and poured 10’s of thousands of square yards of concrete.

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Asphalt Paving

Ready to repair that worn out parking lot? Asphalt paving is where it all started for us back in 2002. We specialize in commercial and large residential asphalt paving. If your new or existing business needs asphalt repairs or a new parking lot entirely, give us a chance to earn your business.


Fugro in Lafayette.

We milled out 2” of pavement and replaced it.


Asphalt Sealer

Seal coating not only looks great when finished but a regular scheduled seal coating program will drastically increase the life of your asphalt pavement. Let us rejuvenate the image and first impression of your property, and protect your investment.

We sell 100% coal-tar concentrate made by GemSeal. GemSeal’s FedSpec sealer is the toughest, longest lasting asphalt sealer sold in our area.